Platforms, apps and IT services for students
The University of Padua provides its students with platforms, applications and services to facilitate their careers.
Here is a short list:
- UNIPD WEBMAIL - institutional mailbox (to be checked constantly)
- UNIWEB - Uniweb is an information system that allows all students enrolled at the University of Padua, to access from home to the information about their studies and to directly manage their university career, from pre-registration and enrolment procedures to exam enrolments and degree applications. Professors use Uniweb to insert exam calls, publish exam grades and record exams.
- DIDATTICA.UNIPD - educational offer of the University that gives information on each single teaching course
- MOODLE - e-learning platforms for teachings and exams
- ZOOM - videoconferencing platform for online classes
- EDUROAM - Free WiFi service
- MYUNIPD - useful app for managing your university career from your smartphone or tablet
Click here to discover UNIPD's other services and APPs >
How to access UNIPD services
In order to receive the institutional credentials ( to access our UNIPD services and platforms, you must complete the enrolment process.
Follow the instructions below to properly access UNIPD platforms.