Progetti di ricerca
- JusTrade - Trading Justice. The role and functioning of Renaissance merchant courts in Venice (1450-1620)
- DWNS - Dealing With the Neoliberal Storm: Italy, the Global Monetarist Shift, and the European Integration Process (1979-1992)
- ADVOOCATE - Addressing visual imagery in online harassment and/or offline abuse against women (photo-) journalists: Developing guidelines for comprehensive policies
- Progetto “Le vittime italiane del Nazionalsocialismo: le memorie dei sopravvissuti. Conoscere, ricordare, diffondere"
- 4h - Scaliamo il futuro
- MWM - Migrant Women at the Margin:addressing vulnerabilities in intersectionality between violence and explotation
- SINERGIA - The role of EU Structural funds IN Enhancing ReGional and local Institutional and Administrative capacity
- CMCIR - Catholic Moral Conundrums in the Italian Resistance (1943-1948)
- CRIMG - Mainstreaming of children’s rights: multilevel governance perspective
- InsSciDE - Inventing a shared Science Diplomacy for Europe