EUROAGEMI - Advancing gender equality in media industries
With the financial support of the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers) in the frame of the "Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020"
Ambito disciplinare Macroarea 3
Area scientifica Area 16 - Scienze politiche e sociali
Tipologia finanziamento PROGETTI RIGHTS, EQUALITY AND CITIZENSHIP PROGRAMME (Finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea)
Stato progetto Concluso (archiviato)
Data avvio: 10 November 2016
Data termine: 31 July 2019
Importo: 314 476 EUR
Estremi del contratto: JUST/2015/RGEN/AG/ROLE/9634
Coordinatore: Claudia Padovani
Newcastle University (lead)
Università degli Studi di Padova - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali - SPGI
University of Gothenburg
European Federation of Journalists
The Advancing gender equality in media industries (EURO-AGEMI) project tackles gender stereotypes and promotes gender equality by focusing on the next generation of media professionals who have not yet been affected by the gendered media workplace. It comprises educational components as well as knowledge-sharing among journalists students, media professional and academics. It will put together a resource bank of best practices for media industries to use to strengthen gender equality, an online educational module, training sessions and internships in media organisations.
Work with next generation of media professional (students) to raise and spread awareness of gender inequalities and strategies which challenge them, so that they adopt an equalityfocused professional practice.
Develop an online knowledge platform which includes good practices and teaching and learning resources, for use by media educators and professionals to support theirown activities in challenging gender stereotyping in the media.
Cocreate resources which have relevance to the media industry andmaximise awarenessraising and cultural change, through bridging educational and professional cultures.
Piano delle attività:
A1 construct an online Knowledge Platform (OKP) which will provide the infrastructure for the project;
A2 organise a Resource Bank of good practices to be used by media industries to adapt and implement in their own organisations to encourage cultural change;
A3 create an Online Educational Module (OEM) comprising a set of 10 thematic units which will discuss a range of inequality issues and good practiceswhich have been developed to challenge them, including video tutorials, lecture notes, interviews and student activities;
A4 createdigital tools, including an App for mobile devices to selfassess knowledge on gender equality, and a social media presence (Facebook page and twitter feed);
A5 organise a summer school to test the learning, teaching and knowledge resources and receive feedback;
A6 organise internships at a range of media organisations to increase participants’ insider knowledge and employability;
A7 organise training sessions on the learning, teaching and knowledge resources with media educators and professionals and to receive feedback;
A8 undertake dissemination activities to promote the project’s outputs to academic and media stakeholders.
All activities willfoster transnational and transsectoral exchanges. All teaching and awarenessraising components are innovative in terms of content(Europeanwide, multilingual film resources, partnering with industry practitioners); delivery (online, classroom, blended learning, intensive courses); and technology (range of techniques, platforms, activities).