Seminar | “I’d like to be the last one”: Reflections on Possible Answers to Male Violence on Women
Aula M, Dipartimento SPGI
Scientific coordinator: Paolo Graziano, University of Padua.
Within the MA Degree European and Global Studies (EGoS), the seminar “I’d like to be the last one”: Reflections on Possible Answers to Male Violence on Women will be hel on Thurdsay, 7 December 2023 at 4:30 PM, at Rooom M (Palazzo Wollemborg).
Speakers: Paola Degani (University of Padua), Eleonora Lozzi (President Rel.Azioni Positive, Centro Veneto Progetti Donna), Claudia Padovani (University of Padua), Lorenza Perini (University of Padua), Roberta Ciluffo (EGoS Student).
The seminar is open to the public.