Ciclo di Seminari URBES | Migration and Local Cohesion

Dal 24.11.2022 al 06.12.2022

Scientific Coordinators: Giorgia Nesti, Matteo Bassoli, University of Padua

The seminars provide the audience with the perspectives of scholars and practitioners on the topic of homestay. The invited speakers will discuss the methodological challenges for those doing research and working with disenfranchised migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and illegalized migrants. They will provide an opportunity for the students and the third sector in Padua to discuss the topic of homestay initiatives and migrants' agency by looking at three different experiences. Given the ongoing stance of the Meloni government on migration, speakers will also discuss the role of citizens in policy implementation.  The citizenry has mobilized on the Ukrainian wave of migrants as never before, what about other migrants? The seminars will raise awareness on the issue of reception and citizens' role in formal and informal procedures. 



24th November 2022,  H: 16:30 - 18:30
Aula M, Palazzo Wollemberg
Homestay in Italy
Giorgio Baracco | Refugees Welcome Italia

28th November 2022,  H: 16:30 - 18:30
Aula Nievo, Palazzo Bo
Migration and grassroots activists
Smaranda Krings Mensh Mensh Mensh

6th December 2022, H 16:30 - 17:30
Aula C,
Complesso Maldura
Transnational migrant agency
Mìriam Acebillo Baquè INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)